Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Nail Trim

I just completed canine First Aid and CPR training this Saturday past. I even have a bona fide Red Cross card to prove that I am certifiable, (this many of my closest friends and family already knew). Anyhow, this evening hubby picks up Abby, our youngest, and says, “why don’t you trim her nails?” Simple request I thought, the clippers are out, hubby is willing to help, and it needs to be done. So I proceeded to do what honestly is my first ever nail trim on a dog. I did the front nails one by one and all went well, then she got wiggly, so I stopped with plans to do the back nails later on.

I was smiling, actually proud of myself, like Wow, that was not too bad at all. Yes, I was nervous and so was she, but I got ten nails done and all is good, or so it was. Marley came by as I still held the clippers in my hand, so I placed him in hubby’s lap and started on the right paw one nail after the other quickly snipped off and into the air, after all I am now a pro at this, not so. I got to nail number ten and Marley let out a YELP! Hubby said, “you cut a quick“ and sure enough I did.

I felt faint, sick to my stomach, I had brought pain to my “baby” how did this happen, why was I attempting to trim nails anyhow, I am not trained in this, not a professional, barely knowing how to hold the clippers in my hand….ugggghhhh where is the throw up bucket. I put pressure on his nail, reached for the styptic container and covered the red blood nail with the powder and held his paw while I spoke softly to him words of comfort and apologized many many times over.

So lesson learned this evening, First aid training never really prepares you for the sad doggie eyes, the drooling, nor the blood. I know my first, second, and last, doggie nail trim has been completed all in one evening, they will all go to the vet next time as I am not woman enough…I am too much Mommy.

1 comment:

~Marie~ said...

I can't trim Peanut's nails either, though I had to during our blizzard because I couldn't get him to the groomer or vet to get it done. He is super wiggly, and I can't deal with it. I'm too worried I will quick him. Well I waited until he was passed out sleeping next to me and managed to through all paws, no quicking. I was proud of myself, but will still probably take him to someone else to get that done. Ha ha